Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Bob Gasoi

Robert Gasoi was a product of the last great time. Born in 1932 and raised in Brooklyn, the son of an immigrant milkman, his drawing and painting skills led him to the Cooper Union School of Art, to the Korean war, and then to Oxford University, Rome, Upstate New York, and his final home in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Though Gasoi only managed to scrape a meager living out of his art work, he never stopped painting, leaving a large legacy of paintings, drawings, murals and illustrations. When he died in 1997, his daughter Emily traveled to Mexico to collect his few belongings, which included the many paintings, drawings, photos, newspaper clippings, and other detritus that documented his incessantly creative life. After years of work, Emily recently published a lovely tribute to her father on the web, rich with images that convey the love she felt for her Dad, and the wonder he found in the world.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jolly - thanks so much for including this in your blog. I realize it's been almost a year since you put this up, but I guess I haven't been keeping up with my blog browsing lately--it's been an eventful year after all! Anyhow, this was a treat to stumble across. Thanks again pal. Hope to see you some time sooner than might be expected. XOXOOe
