This weekend brings the first ever Seattle Anarchist Bookfair to the Underground Events Center. To say the least, it's an event that has been a long time in planning - and there's a lot to show for it. More than 40 publishers and booksellers are selling their wares over the two day event, including the venerable anarchist publishers ak press and the absolutely brilliant graphic designers Beehive Collective traveling all the way from rural Maine. The weekends' events also include dozens of workshops on such topics as freeware vs. intellectual property rights, how to resist the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, and "Ganging Up on the Bosses." The anarchists have gotten themselves organized to bring in guests and vendors from across the country. The least you can do is organize a visit to Belltown. This Saturday and Sunday from 10 AM to 7 PM. All ages.
Howdy! Just wanted to say thanks for your terrific writing and observations. I always make sure and check your comprehensive blog when I'm updating my bumbling self-centric one, and wanted to make sure you knew I linked to you and gave you props: