A little something to get us in the mood... Rosemarie Fiore's firework drawings are created by setting off and controlling firework explosions. She explains:
"I bomb blank sheets of paper with different fireworks including color smoke bombs, jumping jacks, monster balls, fountains, magic whips, spinning carnations, ground blooms, rings of fire, and lasers. As I work, I create imagery by controlling the chaotic nature of the explosions in upside-down containers.
When the paper becomes saturated in color, dark and burned, I take it back to my studio and collage blank paper circles onto the image to establish new planes and open up the composition. I then continue to bomb the pieces. These actions are repeated a number of times. The final works contain many layers of collaged explosions and are thick and heavy."
Cool. More photos and work here.
where do you find thisinteresting shit? anyway, thanks. this is about the only website i turn to when seeking something new and interesting.