Oh man...You're sorry if you missed the Punk Rock Flea Market.
From the moment the doors opened the Underground was swarming with people. Just under 700 people paid their buck and got one hell of a market and party in return. If the first snow of the year hadn't started in the middle of the afternoon, we might have had hundreds more. In the end, 46 vendors somehow crammed into the basement, including a few who showed up unexpectedly. Many hats were sold, scarves, paintings, animal skulls, punk paraphernalia, surprisingly cool baby clothes, lots of records, lots of jewlery.
All the bands kicked ass. Dance Music for Depressed People gave an angst-ridden howl to the gods of love; KLED summoned up the twin demons of heavy metal suicide and gothic theatrics; Rough Chukar, in their own words, "brought the Punk Rock to the Flea Market." Extra props go to RC for answering every random call for cover songs, rewarding us with their (fucking loud) versions of Slayer and Pantera tunes. In another unexpected turn of events, the 15-piece Yellow Hat Brass Band showed up between the last two bands to play 20 minutes of pulse pounding Bulgarian dance music.
After all expenses were met the admissions, booth fees & beer sales permitted the PRFM to donate about $800 to LIHI, who owns the space. LIHI's executive director, Sharon Lee, even showed up to have a beer and check out Rough Chukar. Bless her heart.
There can be no better bargain than the $1 it costs to enter the market. If fate allows, we're going to do it all again at the end of March. Weather permitting we'll expand the market into the parking lot next door . Seriously - don't miss it.
Josh you rocked it! Good work with the organizing and one solid party to boot!